“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?”

In Romans 15:5-6, Paul encouraged the early church to come together in unity of one mind and one voice that we might glorify God. Two hundred and fifty of our brothers and sisters in Christ came together in Penang, Malaysia, in mid-August to encourage each other and give glory to God. Worship, fellowship, and the Word of God permeated the atmosphere as brothers from more than 20 nations convened to share the path that Christ has laid out for all of us to walk sharing our lives and the Gospel.

Pastors and ministry leaders from a wide range of Asian nations met to hear and discuss living the Kingdom life and what that looks like in today’s world. And to contemplate what still challenges our thoughts and beliefs about the Kingdom of God and ways to step more fully into that every day. The simple act of coming together brought a diversity of ideas and plans to share with the body of Christ for overcoming the obstacles and seeing options instead of obstacles. Mustard seeds of faith bore quick fruit in seeing the transformative power of a God for which nothing is impossible.

A Spirit-led theme of unity was clearly evident throughout the Summit. God’s presence inhabited the sanctuary bringing forth a unity of worship I don’t believe I’ve ever seen. Two hundred fifty men singing in total unison, some in complete abandon dancing joyously before the Lord. Any walls that existed between nations were knocked down as all eyes, ears, and hearts were focused on the One for whom they had all gathered and labored for. Any differences in process or circumstances evaporated as God traded their ashes for joy.

New friendships, understanding, and compatibility became evident quickly as the heart of Christ bore truth into everyone. When we are of one mind and one heart in Him all things become possible for us as well. It was a joy to see the coming together of the hearts and minds as these men and women of God joined in prayer and praise in one accord, for the Holy Spirit could and did flourish in such an environment. All were touched by the Spirit in this unique gathering of hearts sold out for the mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ’s salvation in their nations. May the fire they received, and now carry, burn even more brightly in each nation and that the harvest of souls will be increased because of it.

~Sue Kutz