Sheila Sekhar

I was watching “Drive thru’ History” on Prime taking you through the Gospels and Acts. I was watching “Drive thru’ History” on Prime taking you through the Gospels and Acts. Across that first century global panorama it is easy to see the unfolding of the concept of the 5-fold or rather the transformation of the murderous Saul, the half-pagan Timothy or Titus who was Greek, integrate into the apostolic calling of the 12 (who qualified as “those who had been with Jesus from the very beginning of His ministry”). Would they have got there if some of the original 12 had not obeyed the call to be “sent”?

Is the world of today any different? What I saw in the Summit was a miniature re-enactment of the same global screen. How each individual, whose ministry was highlighted to us, had progressed from the 20% (in the language of Bro.Jon Bunn) in their own local situations to larger and larger levels of growth in ministry, as they ventured out in obedience to the call of God, till we all could benefit from their story and their ministry.

No single church in the New Testament can take to itself alone the whole share in this transformation – not Jerusalem or Antioch or Ephesus or Rome. As the churches in these locations came to an end – some sooner than others – the witness and testimony to Jesus grew more powerful. We see this through the horrendous persecution that resulted in the martyrdom of all but one of the original twelve and the many others who joined their list.

Some of us who have seen the vision and caught the fire may be able to be on the move, but others may be forced by circumstances to go back to their locations. However, there is room for all to participate in this great, global outreach. Think of Paul’s epistles – they would not have been written if he was not forced to sit in prison for prolonged periods of time.

So let the fire continue to spread, through persecutions, hindrances, government collapses, wars, all the turmoil that this present century holds – knowing that we all await the glorious consummation of this church age with the visible return of Jesus.

Inner Healing at the Summit

We were wonderfully privileged to have the Inner Healing Program (called the MELT process) go on simultaneously with the sessions in the main hall. The church had graciously provided us with 2 rooms specially designated for this ministry.

Mary Carlton and Carol Mitzelfeldt (of Cross Counsel) trained a team specially for this Summit from May 9th of this year. Those of us who were trained had this opportunity to observe how this ministry is carried out with about 20 of the leaders, who signed up for a personal session.

I was amazed to see how skillfully Mary and Carol were able to bring the counselees to a place of genuine healing and transformation as Jesus spoke into their deepest pain and brokenness. My prayer for each one of them is that they would be able in every situation to hold onto the precious healing they experienced and further – be able boldly to testify to their healing and the goodness of God.