A Big thanks to all the donors  who has contributed to the victims of Chennai floods. The victims of the Chennai floods were supported partially with the donations received from different ones. Their homes are not still free from the infections and the stains caused by the floods.

Some ladies reported that they still have stomach upset and loose motions. We would like to sponsor for the painting their home walls. We need about 2000 USD more, for this purpose. All their appliances that got spoiled during the floods need replenishment. Twelve  families need 500 USD each. Donate Here

Above presentation shows  Abraham Sekhar  distributing the contributions to children affected by the floods, to a pastor who lost all his appliances and to other victims affected by the floods. The Orphanage and Church Hall were re-painted after receiving help.

May the Lord inspire those who are generous to come forward and donate.


Click on the image for fullscreen view
New Years Gift’s being given to the victims of Chennai Floods 2015, click on the image for a full-screen view