Dear All,
Greetings in the mighty name of Adonai Yahshua HaMasihach.
SFCI held its second ordination of independent Pastors for marriage license. There were 13 pastors who had come from seven different States of India and they will soon organized an Ordination program in these seven States.
Bishop Dr. Jerry blew the shofah and opened the meeting with a message from the book of Acts, he spoke about the importance of the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the power within us to be effective in the ministry.
Apostle Dr. Abraham Sekhar, SFCI Founder President shared his testimony how God led him and how he at the age of 23 was ordained as a pastor secretly and compared the passage from the bible of David’s first anointing by Prophet Samuel in the house and finally anointed as king of Judah and later Israel. Every anointing at various stages a step in God plan to fulfill His plan and vision.