Seventeen years ago Susan Freeman, an apostolic prophetic intercessor in Washington State, received a significant impartation of the plan of God to release a regional governmental City of Refuge model out of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. She has been interceding for the fulfillment of this release ever since.

In 2016 I, Abraham, was sovereignly connected with her along with Jason Hilliker, a prophetic evangelist and healer, to begin praying together weekly to see God initiate the first step in His purpose for this particular regional model.  In early 2017, out of our corporate intercession, a local church in Kent, WA called The Hub NW was birthed that is central to the model.

Last Sunday I, as an Apostle of Global ATM, ordained Susan Freeman, her husband, Glenn Freeman, and Jason Hilliker as Ministers of the Gospel and set them officially in as elders of The Hub NW local church.  I believe it was a significant event that opened the doors for God’s portal of Glory to fill the church and to begin the practical outworking of His plan to release, step by step, this regional City of Refuge model out of the Pacific NW.