Report on what the Lord had done in our recent Road Trip

Sheila and I, in obedience to the inspiration from the Holy Spirit, waited on God for almost eight weeks, and then proceeded for a road trip (from Oct. 24, 2021- a gift to my wife on her birthday taking up this travel, which is quite normal in our married life for years). We had set our minds for a stop at Cleveland, TN for two days, visit with ISOW, and then proceed directly to Harrisburg, PA, visit the prayer group we had met earlier, and subsequently drive up to Buffalo, NY and then to Detroit, MI to visit our spiritual children and wait for further guidance.

We had five distinct directions from the Lord:

As a foreshadow or sign of the most expected Great Awakening of the present season,

  1. Commission the African American Revival Initiative
  2. Commission the Native American Revival Initiative
  3. Commission the Immigrants in America Revival Initiative
  4. Follow up on the ‘Flipping of States’ (three specifically)
  5. Initiate the final Global Apostolic Transformation Mission

The Body of Christ in America, and in the rest of the world, is crying out for a ‘Great and last Awakening or Revival’ to happen ushering the Second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as King.

During the ‘Thy Will’ Tour, the traveling team had declared, ‘The Revival among the African Americans and among Native Americans’ at specific locations, as a sign or foreshadow of the forthcoming Great Awakening.

They also had prayed and declared ‘the flip’ to take place in the states of Michigan, Virginia and California.

Many intercessors all over America pray for such ‘flips’ to take place in many states. Thank God for the flip that occurred in Virginia. This has encouraged our spirits so much that we follow up the other initiatives too with deep convictions.

The other two states too will experience the ‘flip’ soon.

During our stay in America, we both are committed to initiate and do the follow up with all the above five directions as part of The Hub DFW.

Buffalo NY is an ear marked city for directive (1).

The day we reached Buffalo, the Team Buffalo’ had arranged a 4-hour meeting, and I was led to share the vision and the directive 1, and commission them by praying over each of them with prophetic words individually. Sheila shared on the ‘Early Apostles’ first steps in the formation of the New Testament Church’. A one-day meeting was scheduled for further teaching on these subjects on the 13th of November 2021, and we went back and taught on those subjects, inclusive of the ‘7M mandate realigned’. The Team Buffalo is specifically committed to expect great revival in Buffalo City among the African Americans. We are committed to help them in every possible way. The Hub DFW is accepted

by them as their mentoring body. (recorded teachings are : )

We then arrived in Detroit. God did a miracle to meet with the ‘Asian Fellowship’ leaders and members miraculously despite their cancellation of the proposed meeting at first, which confirmed directive 3.

Our spiritual children are looking for our Apostolic ministry input into their lives (directive 5) and on the newly added souls. We had a baptism service too (we had a similar baptism service during our earlier visit). They await our teaching ministry in discipling the new converts.

We were supposed to wait in Detroit till the 13th and then proceed with our return journey following the same route.

But I had a dream in which Timmerle had given me a paper to give Anita and when I gave it, Anita said, “Not immediately, but later”. And so, I contacted Anita, and she invited me to come and share the vision of ‘The Hand’ to the whole team and a brief report of our ‘Thy Will Tour’, not on the immediate Tuesday, but the next Tuesday. Thank God for the revelation.

We did go to Grand Rapids on the 16th and shared the vision and proclaimed the Directives to all their 42 prayer warriors gathered that day.

We commissioned and released declarations of Directive 2. I was hesitant and uncertain, filled with fear to call for the people with Native American blood, but when I gave the call, three of them stood to my surprise, and we had a symbolic commissioning for the revival.

One of the men present in the gathering, Daniel Borti from Ghana, expressed his need to be mentored and come under our Apostolic leadership.

We saw the world shrink a little (!) when Anita mentioned that Vanessa Battle(GA) had come to Grand Rapids to be honored at a meeting in 2014 at which I too was honored. Sheila met Linda Van Til (from Grand Rapids, but now in Keller), whose father had met Sheila at the 2005 Healing Rooms conference in Spokane and whose father’s sister had married the first Charismatic pastor of the church that Sheila as a 16 yr old had attended with her family in Mumbai.

The initiatives will gain momentum and spread across the Nation.

There are many more declarations made by the ‘Thy Will Tour’ Team, which are being written separately.

The Hub DFW has a great responsibility for this Great Nation.

The Holy Spirit shall surely direct each one of us to contribute our part in fulfillment of His calling.

Dr. Abraham &  Dr. Sheila Sekhar